Here is a highlighted overview of the major points from some of my favorite EmberConf 2019 talks:
Opening Keynote - Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale
- Ember turns 8 years old in April 🎂
- A Brief History of Ember from IE6 to ES2018 -Dr. Tomster 📖
- Staying true to our values, not chasing trends
- Climb the mountain together 🏔
- Shared tools that work when you’re starting out and scale up
- Shipping features is more important than tinkering with config files 🚢
- Avoid having to stop and rewrite you application
The Celery Test
- What decisions we make will communicate to the world what we really believe
- Before taking external advice, make decisions based on our values
- What we did ✅
- Ember CLI, Templates, 6-week release cycle, RFC process, Code Mods, Engage with Standards, Community, Ember Addons
- What we did not do ❌
tag, Web Components, Framework reboot, Ember Native
- Stability ↔ Progress (The tension between Stability and Progress)
- Aggressive Changes (Community Fragmenting 🙈) → Cautious Changes (Falling Behind 🙉) → Aggressive Changes (Community Fragmenting 🙈)
- Aggressive Changes: Ember 1.13 - DDAU, Many deprecations, Big foundational updates, Ecosystem churn
- Cautious Changes: Ember 2.x - Less notable features, more stabilization
- Ember 3.x - Find a balance between shipping things incrementally and keeping an eye towards coherence
this.get('firstname'); this.set('firstname')
→this.firstname; this.set('firstname')
- In 2.x this probably would not have shipped because of the asymmetric nature of the change
{{user-avatar user=currentUser}}
<UserAvatar @user={{this.currentUser}} />
- Unless you pay attention to every RFC and every PR how would you know when to adopt new features 🤷♀️
- Where we are → (incremental changes) → Pit of Incoherence → (incremental changes) → Where we want to be
- Shipping relentlessly in the past year 🛳
- Ember Editions 🔥
- Bend of the curve of tradeoffs
- Points of maximum coherence
- Polished feature set
- Ember Octane 🚀🎉
- Allocate a sprint to use the new features
- ❌ No jQuery required: Ember(128Kb) - jQuery(29Kb)
- 🤩 JS Classes
- Standard syntax and tooling integration
- Works with TypeScript
- Decorators and Class Fields
- Simply a syntax change:
import { X } from Y
will work the same in both Classic invocation and Modern invocation
- ⭐ Angle Bracket Invocation
- Disambiguate between Properties and Attributes
- Easier to scan visually
- ✨ Glimmer Components
- New modern and minimal base class
- Explicit 1-way bindings
- “Outer HTML” templates
- Explicit, immutable arguments
- 🌟 Tracked Properties
- New change tracking
- Fast, efficient updates
- “Just JavaScript” - No need for
- One Simple Rule 📌: “If you change a class field and want the DOM to update, make it tracked”
- Mutation is no longer a dangerous thing that you need to think about
- Migrate slowly, all underlying primitives seamlessly work together 📈
- Use them anywhere, even with Native JS Classes
import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking" export default class Person { @tracked firstName; @tracked birthYear; constructor(firstName, birthYear) { this.firstName = firstName; this.birthYear = birthYear; } randomizeAge() { this.birthYear = //... } }
→DOM Output
all share the same structure
- Ember Octane Preview available today! 📣🔥🚀
- So…what’s coming next ⁉
- New file system layout
- Template imports
- “Embroider”
- Next generation build pipeline for Ember apps
- Asset optimization
- Built on JS Modules
Beta Ember Observer
- Ember app built with Webpack running in production
Building a UI Styleguide in Ember - Frédéric Soumaré
- Why build your own Styleguide?
- Because you can… 😏
- It has never been easier to build extensible clean layouts with CSS
- Flex
- Grid
- 4 Concepts: UI Elements → UI-Kit → UI StyleGuide → Design System
- Work on your app, start to realize a pattern of components being used on many pages
- Split your apps…now how do I use these components between both ❓
- Ember Addons 🚀
ember addon my-ui-kit --yarn
ember g component x-button
- Addon
directory will merge with the namespace of the consumers/app
directory - Dev tips 🙌
cd <ui-kit-addon> yarn link cd <ember-app> yarn link my-ui-kit
- Snippets, Live Demos, Docs ⭐
- SASS color palette → JSON export
- ember-styleguide
- Designers ↔ Developers
Your Desktop, the Studio - Kate Ruggeri
- Just completed one full year as a professional Ember Developer 🎊
- How to become a better programmer (…or artist):
- 1️⃣ Practice
- 2️⃣ Critique
- 3️⃣ Reading Theory
- 4️⃣ Look at the Masters
- Looking is demystifying and be a powerful experience 🕵
- How to steal?
- “Oh, I can do that too!”
- Masters are around you ❗
- Learn to ask questions, developers love to share their secrets 🤝
- Art studio is private, organized…Just like your office workspace
- Things can get overwhelming 😩
- 😓 You’re looking at a huge code base
- 🥵 You have lots of responsibilities and deadlines
- 😌 But…Your tools create a sense of control
- Junior Dev === Investment
- Carving time out on the clock to learn your tools
- Masters know and configure their tools 🛠
- Pretty things are easier to understand
git log
git log --pretty=format:%C(green)%h\ %C(yellow)[%ad]%Cred%d\ %Creset%s%Cblue\ [%cn] --decorate --date=relative
- Look outside of your field
- Surround yourself with things that inspire you
- “Keep it weird”
- “Have fun”
Comparing Patterns in React and Ember - Preston Sego
- React needs decisions around tooling and patterns 😕
- React is just components
- Simplicity of only having to work with 1 concept (sort of…)
- Ember comes with battle-tested abstractions ⚔
- React vs Ember
- App creation
- React: Webpack
- React:
npx create-react-app my-react-app
- No testing out of the box 😭
- Errors have syntax highlighting 🤗
- Components
- Presentational
- Contextual
- Container (Renderless)
- Higher-Order (React-only)
- State management
- Where does business logic go?
- Local state
- Context Provider/Consumer (React)
- Services manage the state in Ember
- React would need to create a state management system
- Redux
- Wrap nested providers around entire app, which leads to the Pyramid of Doom 😱
- Data Down, Actions Up (React/Ember)
- Prop-drilling
- Prop-drilling
- Where does business logic go?
- Concurrency
- Redux-Saga (React)
- ember-concurrency (Ember)
- Authentication
- Testing
- Stubbing context’s in React (unDRY, hacky) 🤢
- Routing
- Ember:
ember g route my-route
does all of the heavy lifting - React: Most people use React Router
- Ember:
- API / Remote Data
- Ember: Promise-aware
lifecycle hooks - React: No model hooks,
, no canonical way of fetching data
- Ember: Promise-aware
- APIs with Relational Data
- React: Custom
requests, Apollo GraphQL
- React: Custom
- Query Params
- React: Easy to grab of the
object - Ember: Big pain point right now ☠
- ember-query-params-service hopes to address these issues
- React: Easy to grab of the
- App creation
Typed Ember: Strong Types for Better Apps - James C. Davis
- Open Science Framework - 100% TypeScript, 100% Open Source, 100% Ember
- Why TypeScript?
- “Automatic” documentation with type annotations 🔥
- Reduce run-time errors
- Helps with refactoring
- What’s a type?
- A type is just a shape
type Person = { name: string; height: number; birthday: Date; isMarried: boolean; }
- TypeScript is compiled to JavaScript
- Will not affect how JS works
- Build-time type checking
- Break the build if you want when types do not check
- Sets up the basic type definitions you’ll need for Ember framework objects
- Blueprints
- Produce a nice syntax highlighted Type Error
- FAQs ❓
- Do I have to convert everything at once? Nope! ✅
- Where do I start?
- Models
- Services
- Shared Components
- What about addons?
- Precompile to JS so consuming apps don’t need to use TypeScript 🔁
- Include type definition file as well
- Pain Points
- New syntax and new concepts to learn
- Type definitions for third-party addons
- Type definitions for Ember and Ember Data
- Learn more at
on the Ember Community Discord
Crafting Web Comics with Ember - Jessica Jordan
- The Glasgow Looking Glass (1826)
- Japan: 12th / 13th century → Hokusai Sketches (1814)
- ⏩ 1990’s → Comics go to the Web
- Artists using the Web to share comics experiences 🎨
- What if I just use Ember?
- Anatomy of a comic
- Comic pages
- Defining pages as routes
- Comic panels
- Motion through sequence 🧠💭
- Comic pages
- Java Applets
- Flash
Web Animations API
- Evergreen browsers + Polyfill
let opts = { duration: 3000 }; let keyframeSet = [ { transform: 'translate(250px)' }, { transform: 'translate(0)' } ]; let keyframes = new KeyframeEffect(element, keyframeSet, opts);
Steps timing function -
easing: steps(5)
- Evergreen browsers + Polyfill
- Why Ember?
- Clear separation of concerns
- Only load data where it should be loaded
- Composable
- Conventions
- Community
- ember-in-viewport
- Safety measures
- “Pokémon Shock” incident - Japan (1997) 😨
- Photosensitive users
- Keyboard accessibility
Anatomy of an Addon Ecosystem - Lisa Backer
- Provides a framework for managing Service Worker code
- What is a Plugin? 🔌
- Bundle that adds functionality to a host application through a well-defined architecture for extensibility
- An Addon is a Plugin
- Configuration (Start with Docs)
- Ember CLI hooks
- Ember Observer code search feature
- Time to dive into the code 🏊
Broccoli Trees/Nodes
- Set of files that can be transformed by Plugins
- A
function is called on each Plugin ⚒
keyword naming convention to create a collections ofember-service-worker
Plugins"keywords": [ "ember-addon", "ember-service-worker-plugin" ],
- Implement a plugin architecture?
- Testing
- Not like testing a normal Ember application
- Testing the build of an application
- Unit tests for core functionality
- broccoli-test-helper
Developing an Ember Test Strategy - Todd Jordan
- Ember
- How do I prevent my tests from becoming a burden?
- Speed and feedback loops
Deming Cycle 🔄
- Plan → Execute → Analyze → Adjust
- Influenced Toyota (Continuous improvements, Tight feedback loops)
- Implementing Lean Software Development 📖
Boehm’s Law
- The later you find a missed requirement/bug, the more expensive it is
- The earlier you find and fix your bugs, the more successful your project will be
Agile Manifesto 📜
- Describe testing in an Agile environment
- How to distribute your tests? 🤷♀️
- UI (🚶♀️💰💰💰💰💰) ↔ Service ↔ Unit (🏃♀️💰)
- Ember Application Test (33 min/1000 tests) ↔ Ember Rendering Test ↔ Ember Unit Tests (1.7 min/1000 tests)
- 40%/50%/10% Test type distribution for a sweet spot
- Push scenarios as far down the test pyramid as you can
- Avoid duplication between test types
- Don’t be afraid to delete tests that are not beneficial (Long running, etc)
- Test Workflow
- Test → Write code to make the test pass → Refactor
- Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests 📖
- Keep an eye on your feedback loops
- Test in a methodical way that drives Design
- Thought and discipline are faster than quickly cranking out code
Don’t Break The Web - Melanie Sumner
- 1990s: Write code → Save file → FTP to server → Check in browser → Repeat
- Much easier now:
ember new my-app; ember deploy production;
🤗 -
Web Accessibility analysis on the top million web pages
- 97.8% of websites had accessibility errors 😱
- The presence of a JS Framework indicated a higher number of accessibility errors
- 85% - Low contrast
- 68% - Missing alt text
- 58% - Empty links
- 100% of these issues are preventable
- Are we focused on the right things? 😕
- Too many excuses we tell ourselves for avoiding accessibility in our apps
- “But…Our clients didn’t ask for accessibility”
- You didn’t ask for sugar in your cookie 🍪
- “But…Implementing accessibility is just too hard”
- “But…This just isn’t an Ember issue”
- “But…Our clients didn’t ask for accessibility”
ember feature:disable application-template-wrapper
<body> <header> <!-- --> </header> <main> <!-- --> </main> <footer> <!-- --> </footer> </body>
- Visibly support accessibility efforts
Dealing with Data in 2019 - Igor Terzic
- Been working with Ember for entire professional life
- Working on Ember, Ember Data and Ember-related libraries for the past 8 years
- 2011: Java Swing app 😨 → CoffeeScript, GruntJS, Ember 😩
- Made some bets that worked out really well and built trust 🤝
- Programming Model: Separation of concerns
- Isolated the Model Layer with a schema
// component; // template {{model.isSaving}}
- ember-cli-mirage - Now because you have a schema, mirage automatically knows how to configure your backend
- Isolated Serializer layer
- Fastboot - Easy inter-op
- Embracing the consistency
- JSON API - Minimal amount of configuration necessary to play nicely with Ember
- Identity Map
- Relationship consistency:
- A framework for ambitious web developers. 😑
- 2019 → 2025
- Advanced data fetching, caching and mutating
- Dan Gebhardt: Give Apps Online Superpowers by Optimizing them for Offline
- Developer experience and visibility
- Productivity Tricks
- “Not doing work beats doing work in the fastest possible way, every time”
- Dynamic schema: ember-m3 → Ember Data core
export default PostsRoute extends Route { async model() { await this.get('store').loadRecords('post'); return this.get('store').peekAll('post'); } }
- Goal: All Ember Data addons → No Private APIs
The State of Community Documentation - Kenneth Larsen
- Documentation is generally the first encounter you’ll have with any Ember project
- We’re all responsible for documentation 👨👩👧👦
- Should serve a nice and concise introduction to your project
- Should not answer every single question
- Badges
- Generally too cluttered and filled with code examples 😢
- Blueprint documentation needs some adjustment
- Extract out to
✨- Github prompts doc changes
- Unhelpful phrasings
- “Simply run the tests. Just type
npm test
” - “Just write your own compiler, then it simply works”
- Just, Simply, Simple, Actually, Easy, Easily, Obviously…
- “Simply run the tests. Just type
- Inconsiderate Writing ❌
- Cultural differences are everywhere
- ember-cli-addon-docs to the rescue! 🦸♂️
- Alex and ember-cli-alex: linter to help catch inconsiderate writing
Communication and Convention - Julia Donaldson
- So…why Ember?
- But that learning curve though… 😩
Everything has a learning curve
Everything has a learning curve
- Ember is not really about productivity
- Previously a Fashion Designer 👠
- As a user, I should be able to move my arms and feet
- Creative solutions within a set of requirements (..just like Software)
- Fashion Designer → Code Bootcamp
- The “right” words
- Communication is a skill…a skill that can be learned
- Ideas 💡
- The tools we choose, are simply vessels for our ideas
- Art and Fear by David Bayles 📖
- To bring our ideas into the world, we need to be able to communicate them
- How do I communicate my thoughts in a way that is productive?
- Talking about code is hard
- Ember → Gives a vocabulary to frame my ideas 😃
- Democratize the Language
- Communication 🔁 Confidence 🔁 Participation
- Web development is not about the individual anymore
- The tools we choose should connect us
- “Opens up someone elses React app…” 😲😱😵
- Communication that scales
- Ember’s structure spawns creativity
- How do we define ambition?
- “Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine.” -Elvis Presley
Ember is for Everyone - Kenigbolo Meya Stephen
Code Afrique
- A group of software developers giving back to people under-represented in our industry
- People learn differently 💻
- Theres no guaranteed way of ensuring people grasp the concepts
- Process: Variables → Object → Functions
- Don’t need to learn about traversing a binary tree
- Problems that come with teaching JavaScript
- Framework, Framework, Framework
- Framework, Framework, Framework
- Typical pitfalls?
- Lazy loading
- Too many Computer Science concepts
- Seems to be a frontend framework designed for a backend developer
- Not just designed for beginners
- Ember Power 🦸♀️
- Routers
- Templates
- Convention
- Simplify concept explanations 👨🏫
- Explain to beginners without technical phrases
Building Better Components - Dianne Eramo
- “The ratio of time spent reading vs writing is well over 10 to 1. […] Making it easy to read makes it easy to write” 📖✍
- Keep Things Manageable
- Single Responsibility Principle: Each component should be responsible for 1 concept
- Don’t Repeat Yourself Principle: Eliminate duplication
- Don’t prematurely abstract your code
- Ember Component Patterns 🔥
- Reusable Component Pattern: DDAU, don’t mutate data the component doesn’t own
- Single Purpose Component Pattern
- Has a single clearly defined use case
- Context aware
- Pass in entire model as an argument
- Directly mutates data
- Reusable (Addons) ↔ Single Purpose (Forms)
- Provider (Renderless) Component Pattern
- Only concerned with how things work (load data)
- Does not render HTML or CSS
<PercentageComplete @completed={{this.completed}} @total={{this.totalFields}} as |percent|> <ProgressBar @percentCompleted={{percent}} /> </PercentageComplete>
- Presentational Component
- Contextual Component Pattern
- Makes relationships between related components explicit
- Provides default behavior for consumers
// components/templates/modal.hbs {{yield (hash header=(component "modal/header" closeModal=(action "closeModal")) body=(component "modal/body" style={{bodyStyles}}) footer=(component "modal/footer" closeModal=(action "closeModal")) )}} // templates/form.hbs <Modal @onClose={{onClose}} as |M|> <M.header @title="Edit User Application" /> <M.body> <EditUserForm @user={{provider.user}} @saveUser={{provider.saveUser}} /> </M.body> </Modal>
- Write the Component Interface 🔌
- Expose the bare minimum that you know will be needed
- Every property provided is a feature that can break when you make changes
- Small component interface
- Manage UI state with declarative rendering
- Declare all component state inside the component file
- Never rely on the DOM for you state
- Ensure component re-renders whenever any of the state changes (Computed Properties,
Composable Concurrency Tasks - Isaac Ezer
- ember-concurrency
- Generators
function* ()
- A function which can
intermediate values and pause/resume execution -
loop - Directed graph iteration with Generators:
N x N
adjacency matrix - Browser support
- A function which can
- Ember Concurrency 🙌
- Removes the need for manual state tracking and
checks - Simply yield intermediate promises
- Derived state
- Maked “chained” promises cancelable by being able to abort task execution at each
- Removes the need for manual state tracking and
- Higher Order Ember Concurrency Tasks
- “Wrapping ember concurrency tasks”
- ember-concurrency-test-waiter: Notify our test runner that a Task is in flight
- ember-concurrency-retryable: Task exponential backoff
New to Ember: What ARE All These Things? - Jennifer Wong
- The ABC’s of Ember
- Rock & Roll with Ember.js
- A →
- B →
- C →
- D →
- E → Ember: The Documentary
- F → ember-cli-flash
- G → Glimmer.js ✨
- H →
- I →
{ inject as service }
- J → JSON API Adapter
- K →
- L →
- M →
- N → Naming Conventions
- O →
- P →
- Q →
- R → RSVP
- S →
ember s
- T →
- U → Utils
- V → View
- W → ember-wormhole
- X → emberx-select
- Y →
- Z → Zoey
EmberConf MiniTalks
How to Grow or Save Your Favorite Open Source Project - Jen Weber
- All volunteers are selfish
- Few people act out of true altruism for very long
- The happiest volunteers get something in return
- Reciprocity
- Commitment & Consistency
- Always say “Thank You” to other volunteers
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mono Repo - Hassan Abdel-Rahman
- What is a Mono Repo? Single repository with multiple node modules
- Code cannot get out of sync with itself 🔁
- Atomic changes across multiple modules
- Testing
- Issue management
Yarn Workspace
- Single shared
- Single shared
- How to Mono?
ember g addon
for eachin-repo
addon - Move boilerplate addons into
directory - Convert to use Yarn Workspaces
{ "private": true, "workspaces": ["workspace-a", "workspace-b"] }
- Ember Mono Repo example app
- Lerna for publishing
From Mainframe to Mainstream: A Case Study in Emberification - Ryan Mark
- Rewrite a major Fortune 500 company’s core application including Testing and Deployment
- Mainframe terminals suck
- ember-cli-deploy, Spring, Jenkins
- Productivity → Adoption → Success
How to Build a Blog Engine in 15m With Ember and NodeJS - Chris Manson
- Quick way to bootstrap a new Blog with Ember 🔥
- How do I get setup?
ember new super-blog cd super-blog ember install empress-blog empress-blog-casper-template
What’s Behind Ember Observer’s Scores? - Katie Gengler
- Can you score based on accessibility? ❌😣
- Can you score if addons are “Octane Ready” or not? ❌😣
- Solution: Math ➗
- Weighted Average
- Smarter checks, New checks and Partial scores
Broccoli Update - Oli Griffiths
- Broccoli.js 🥦
- In the beginning: ember-app-kit
- Grunt 😞
- Why Broccoli?
- Simple API
- Flexible
- Broccoli 2.0 🥦✨
directory moved outside of the project and more - Update to 32% faster builds
- Just update to Ember CLI 3.5+ and you’ll see these updates
- Broccoli now supports ECMAScript modules syntax
- Adopting TypeScript
No Bad Legos: A Toy Box For Everybody - Howie Bollinger
- Component Driven Development
- But what about accessibility? 🤷♂️
- CEO, Stakeholders, Product Owner, QA, Designers, Developers, Customer Experience
- Everything is awesome, because you’re part of a team
- Accessibility is not just a checklist
- WCAG 2.1
AXE Accessibility Engine
- Chrome + AXE Extension
- “Why can’t this be automatic?”
- Are you there, Axe? It’s me, Ember.
- ember-a11y-testing
- What does this mean for developers and testing?
await a11yAudit('img');
Closing Keynote - Sarah Allen
- What does it mean to be heroic? 🦸♂️❓
- We choose our heros
- Saved the project! Worked nights and weekend! Last minute fix!!!
- But what about the team that quietly ships without fuss?
- Reality is broken
- Change the rules
- Abstraction
- Mechanism which permits the expression of relevant details and the suppression of irrelevant details
- “I wanted to make it easy for people to write good programs” -Liskov
- Recognize when your abstraction is wrong
- Perception !== Reality
- We can’t assess things accurately without the passage of time 🕑
- What we hold to be true is only our closest approximation at the moment
- What is relevant?
Just-World Fallacy
- The general belief that the world is morally ordered, such that people generally get what they deserve
- Simply holding meritocracy as a value seems to promote discriminatory behavior
- Apophenia: Seeing patterns where they don’t actually exist
- Iterate. Celebrate.
- “Focus on something you can fix”